jueves, 30 de abril de 2009


65% of days in Britain are overcast. Overcast means dull, grey and cold. That's 260 dull days.

British people like to complain about the weather. When it is raining, they say it is too wet. When it is sunny, they say it is too hot.

Name two extreme weather conditions that can cause danage around the world: tropical storms, hurricanes.
It's not surprising that Britain has got are of the most important weather centres in the world. The Met Office emplays over a thousand people. They provide weather forecasts for radio, television and newspapers and on the Internet.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009


In Britain, people read books, newspapers and magazines. And they read text messages on their mobile phone. Sixty - five per cent of British people list "reading for pleasure" as a major hobby. A quarter of the population reads more than 20 books each year.
There are lots of public libraries where you can borrow books for free. In the different libraries, you can borrow books but you can also buy a cup of coffee, look at an art exhibition, sit in a quiet study area or connect to the Internet.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009


In Britain, at the weekend, millions of people take part in some kind of sporting activity. The tom level of the game is professional football in the Premiership.
The main summer sport in Britain is cricket. There are two teams in a cricket match. Cricket is the national sport for most Britons.
The national sport in Britain is football. The football season is from April to August.
Girls play football at school too.
Tennis is a very popular sport. The Wimbledon championship is very famous in Britain. Half of all men over 16 regularly participate
in sport in Britain.


In Catalonia, people practise a very different sport for example: football, basketball, swimming pool...
The main summer sport in Catalonia is swimming. Children and not children go swimming in the lake and in the swimming pools.
Basketball is another very popular sport. The "Copa del Rei" is a very famous in Catalonia.
Football is the national sport in Catalonia. The football season is from January to July.
Finally, another very popular sport is tennis, some people practise tennis in the "El Club Natació Banyoles" or in "Tennis Club Banyoles".

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miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009


Some of the world's animals are in danger of extinction. The most serious threat to animals is from man. In some parts of the world, people collect rhino horn to use in medicine. Others carve ornaments for tourists made of ivory from elephant tusks.
Another big problem is the destruction of the rainforests. The number of animals in some species is now very small and they may not exist in the future. The Worldwide Fund for Nature is an International organization.
The WWF started in Britain in 1961 and now it has got a global network in 90 countries.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009


The 90 % of the population live in towns. There are lots of different kinds of houses.

Sixty per cent of the population live in tearraced or semi-detached houses. Terraced houses are joined together in a long row.

Some detached houses are very large, but some are quite small. In big towns and cities, many people live in flats.
A cottage is a small house in the country. Traditional cottages have got thatched roofs.
Some cottages are hundreds of years old.
There are many regional variatons in British houses.

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009


People in Britain like shopping. Women describe shopping as their main hobby in a recent survey. They often go shopping every day!
Shops in Britain come in all shapes and sizes. Traditional local shops exist in some areas. But in most high streets in Britain, the same shop names appear all the time.
The Bluewater shopping complex has got over 330 different shops and 3 big department stores. It has also got 40 bars and restaurants and a 13 - screen cinema. On Sundays it is open from 11 in the afternoon!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009


In Britain, the school day starts between eight thirty and nine o'clock. People travel to school using many different kinds of transport: by bike, by cars...
Schools starts at eight thirty. Students have many different subjects. Each lesson lasts for an hour. At the end of the lesson a bell rings. They go into the playground to have fun after two or three lessons and they eat their breakfast. At the lunch break, there's time to catch up with some homework. Lessons end at 3.30 in the afternoon. School lasts for 7 hours. Students do between one and three hours of homework every night.

In Catalonia, the school day starts at nine o'clock. People travel to school using many different kinds of transport: by bike, by cars, by motorcycle...
School day finishes at five o'clock. Students have many different subjects. Each lesson for an hour. They go into the playground to have fun after two lessons. School lasts for 6 hours. In my school, we celebrate different activities like: "La Castanyada", "la Setmana Cultural"...

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